Tuesday, December 23, 2008


My dreams had all been shattered
Take heed if you stand, lest you fall
Ain’t nothin’ sadder than climbing a ladder
That’s leanin’ against the wrong wall

Why does it matter what we do or believe?
If we seek truth or practice to deceive?
Yes it’s true our values shape our beliefs
And what we believe shapes our destiny

When we’re out of balance and out of integrity
We’re blown about like the Autumn leaves
Mired in the muck of mindless routine
Caught up in the stuff that this life brings

But when we affirm our values and our purpose
Our heart starts to sing and our spirit takes wing
Our lives are inspired and we’re prepared for service
We’re no longer tired and we dare to do great things

So don’t be scared or nervous
Just be happy to be of service
Take His hand and join His band
And rejoice in His plan and purpose

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